Inspiration for the Next Season: Resolve

It seems impossible, but here we are, almost a quarter into the 21st century. Happy New Year! I hope you are living fully in the season you find yourself in as we begin a new year. Daniel Pink’s book “When,” reminds me that we can leverage temporal landmarks to create fresh starts and boost our momentum to generate lasting change. The start of a new year is a powerful temporal landmark, which is why we collectively set yearly resolutions, goals, or intentions.  

I find this rhythm helpful, and I am more productive when I take the time at the beginning of each year to think about where I have been and where I want to go in the future.  

One of the goals I have been working towards over the last few years with intention has been to visit Ireland for an extended visit. Recently, I made reservations at an Airbnb in Ireland for the stay. Identifying specific steps and actions I could take each year brought me closer to my goal. This dream would not be becoming a reality without leveraging the temporal landmark of the new year.

As I thought about what new resolutions, goals and intentions I am going to set for this year, I remembered an article we originally published in 2022, an inspiring letter from Kristine Wilson, member of the Seasons Leadership Community. Her letter has inspired me once again to take up my new tasks with resolve. I know it will inspire you too. Enjoy!

From Kristine Wilson

The first day of a new year is a new beginning. And, like many of us, I’m considering today my 2022 resolutions. What will we resolve to do in ’22? As I consider it, apart from the perpetual health resolution to exercise more and eat less, most of what I’m thinking about fits within “RESOLVE” as anacronym. 
Reflect: The events of the past couple years have prompted a lot of reflection – and given us time to look back. We need to keep looking back before we move forward. Hindsight is always clearer – but if we never lookback, we don’t learn from our experiences or see the faithfulness, grace and acts of kindness that have touched us.
Endeavor: We can’t just sit around; we also have to act. And I like the word “endeavor” because it means to try hard to achieve something. With my 2022 goals, thinking of those actions as endeavors makes it feel more like a noble mission. So, save this label for the acts that really deserve that grit and extra effort. A year without endeavors may be restful, but a year with them is pretty fulfilling – even if it’s just the journey.
Serve: Keeping a mindset of service allows us to get outside ourselves. We provide something useful for someone or something else. Serving gives meaning to our endeavors. For Christians, we are called to service. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John15:12-13). Service ultimately draws us back to the One who created us.
Observe: This goes along with “remind” and could also be paired with “listen.” If we don’t keep our eyes open to what is occurring around us, our endeavors and service could be done without noticing important cues. While I want to act, I also want to be a keen observer. That’s different than being a bystander because it suggests that we are perceiving and recognizing significance – which leads to “L”…
Learn: I have a quote from Gandhi in my office, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” It really is great to learn something every day. We all have that opportunity. There is so much to learn – and to unlearn and relearn – in our world.
Voice: Not everyone is in a position to speak up all the time – but all of us are in a position to speak sometime. Your voice is a valuable resource. Use it to share, educate, advocate, encourage, empower, praise and rebuke.
Equity: I’m sure we have all been told – and experienced –that “life isn’t always fair.” But, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” God has given us resources and opportunity to bend that arc in a more just and equitable direction. I saw this image (below) recently depicting the difference between equality and equity. Let’s see if we can get to know one another and our respective circumstances enough that we can provide more equity in our world.
Image credit: Visualizing Health Equity: Diverse People, Challenges, and Solutions Infographic –Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 

Kristine Wilson is a land use and real estate lawyer and partner at Perkins Coie LLP.

*Kristine notes that her opinions in this post are solely her own and do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of her firm or its clients.

Thank you, Kristine, for sharing your voice with me and allowing me to share it with the Seasons Leadership community once again. At Seasons Leadership, our vision to make excellent leadership the worldwide standard drives us to reach leaders where they are now. Amplifying Kristine’s voice helps us achieve our mission to accelerate leadership excellence, responsibility, and growth worldwide. 

How are you doing on your resolutions and goals for 2024? What inspires you? What is your leadership challenge? Let us know on our social media, #2024SeasonsLeadershipChallenge, and we will respond with inspiration and support!

DOWNLOAD OUR GOAL-SETTING FREEBIE for help prioritizing and meeting goals this year.

Susan Ireland draws on 30+ years of leadership experience in corporations to help people positively impact the world. As an ICF-Certified Professional Coach, Susan works with executives, entrepreneurs and leaders at all levels to enhance their leadership and business acumen, encourage self-discovery and turn challenges into positive results. Her belief in the unique value of individuals and appreciation for the wonder and awe of their journeys inspires enduring, transformative change.

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