Author spotlight

Susan Ireland

Susan Ireland draws on 30+ years of leadership experience in corporations to help people positively impact the world. As an ICF-Certified Professional Coach, Susan works with executives, entrepreneurs and leaders at all levels to enhance their leadership and business acumen, encourage self-discovery and turn challenges into positive results. Her belief in the unique value of individuals and appreciation for the wonder and awe of their journeys inspires enduring, transformative change.

Posts by

Susan Ireland

Strong leaders assert agency

This summer, I've been reflecting on the concept of agency because my coaching clients have been talking about it. People say things like, “I could never do that!” or “I’m burning out, my boss doesn’t see all that I do!”

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Summer Rerun

I wrote about summer last year at this time, and as I reread this almanac entry, I realized it still captures the key points of the season and applies them to leadership – and life. This is because the cyclical nature of the seasons is like a rerun. We may have been through this season before but there is still something new and interesting about it to discover.

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Mirroring the Metaphor of Spring in Ireland

Spring is a season of awakening—to new energy, creativity and possibilities. It's a time to elevate our thinking, clarify our vision and explore new plans.

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Inspiration for the Next Season: Resolve

It seems impossible, but here we are, almost a quarter into the 21st century. Happy New Year! I hope you are living fully in the season you find yourself in as we begin a new year.

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Winter Reflection

In the Northern Hemisphere it is winter solstice and on this first day of winter we are sharing our annual seasonal reflection...

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Choose to Let Go This Fall

Fall is not merely a transition in our environment; it's a metaphor for life, reminding us of life's constant change and the profound significance of choosing to let go of what no longer serves us. In this beautiful transformation, we find guidance for our own lives and leadership.

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The way my brain works is that I visualize the summer as the end of the year and the start of FREE TIME!! If you have been reading our blogs for some time, you know that Seasons Leadership uses the metaphor of the seasons to illustrate the predictable phases we all move through in all parts of our lives.

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Sit at the Table and Own Your Leadership Presence

"Next time, sit at the table," my colleague said as we left the conference room after an important meeting about a project I was leading. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Of course. Why didn't I?

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Actionable Advice to Improve Your Leadership and Life

Debbie and I became podcasters by accident. After publishing 35 episodes (in just our current season!) of the Seasons Leadership Podcast it seems odd to say we stumbled into this, but it is the truth. While a typical week finds us scheduling recording time with leaders from around the world that share our passion for leadership excellence or sharing actionable advice with listeners to improve their lives, what has become an integral part of our mission, started out on a lark.

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