Author spotlight

Lauren Penning

Lauren Penning is the Communications leader for Seasons Leadership. In this role, she supports Debbie and Susan share the vision to make excellent leadership the worldwide standard. As a communications professional with 17 years of experience Lauren works with clients to help them effectively tell their story.

Posts by

Lauren Penning

Fall reflections are running through my mind

Fall means running Cross Country. This sport has shaped so many of my fall seasons of life. First as a student athlete and now as a coach. This sport, which is all about racing across varied terrain, takes on an almost mythical quality for me and I suspect many other runners that are drawn to this open-air competition.

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Reboot your recharge routine

Debbie's previous blog "recharge your leadership batteries" offers some timely insights to help you reboot your own practice of "me time." She shares this important reminder that inspires me to take time for myself, "by taking time off not only was I benefiting, but I was giving someone else the opportunity to stretch and grow and show themselves and others what they could do."

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