Building educational bridges to leadership with Melissa Johnson
Seasons leadership podcast
The women in leadership podcast

Building educational bridges to leadership with Melissa Johnson

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Join us as we talk to Executive Director of the Bellevue College Foundation Melissa Johnson about her unconventional higher education journey and how that led to success and leadership opportunities. Melissa shares her passion for helping others along their own educational journeys and will inspire you to continue moving forward despite fear and doubt. 

Show Notes:

(0:35) Melissa talks about her educational journey including getting expelled from high school and enrolling at Bellevue College at 37 years old and how that now has transformed into her role at the Bellevue College Foundation.

(6:06) We discuss personal leadership style and how Melissa developed her leadership experience before holding a formal leadership role. 

(8:17) Melissa shares her biggest “ah ha” moment...when she learned it was really ok to be wrong and to say you don’t know but will figure it out. We discuss how confidence and leadership excellence are linked and how being an effective leader is about continuing to move forward.

(13:00) We talk about building your network and the importance of “getting out of people’s way” so they can succeed. Melissa shares the inspiring idea that “even if I can’t do what you want me to do, I still might be able to help with what you need.”

(18:21) We dive into fear and talk openly and honestly about being scared to take the next step in your leadership journey. Melissa affirms this as part of her journey and how she now helps encourage others to take that next step through her leadership. 

(22:35) Finally we leave you with actionable advice to stop competing and to build bridges instead. 

About Melissa: Melissa Johnson is the Executive Director of the Bellevue College Foundation. A late in life learner, Melissa attended BC for the first time at 37 years old. After achieving her AA, she attended the University of Washington where she triple-majored in Communications, Humanities and Social Sciences, receiving the President’s Medal in 2014. Next, Melissa attended Seattle University, graduating with a master’s in nonprofit leadership. In late 2022, Melissa joined the Foundation as their Executive Director. Returning to where her educational journey started is a privilege in Melissa’s eyes. Her passion is removing barriers and allowing people to flourish in ways that are meaningful to them. To do that in a place that meant so much to her journey is something she refuses to take for granted.



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