Trusting in the Flow with special guest star, Patricia Zinnecker
Seasons leadership podcast
The women in leadership podcast

Trusting in the Flow with special guest star, Patricia Zinnecker

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Learn from Patricia Zinnecker as she shares how trusting in the flow of life helped reshape her leadership in a positive way. At only 29 years of age, Patricia has a master’s degree in psycho linguistics and international experience in entrepreneurship. Her new book, From Burnout Back to Life (available in German), illustrates Patricia’s perspective in life to recognize the right measure and tells the story of her pivotal burnout after working 80-100 hours a week for years and how she came back stronger and more resilient. Seasons Leadership Co-Founders Susan Ireland and Debbie Collard talk with Patricia about her shift in priorities, growing in maturity as a leader and helping others achieve balance in business and life. This episode is packed with tips to help listeners begin taking back their lives while still achieving their professional goals.

Show Notes:

In the first third of the episode, Patricia shares her story from burnout to chillprenuer and gets honest about the importance of sharing your talents to make the world a better place (4:05). Debbie asks Patricia to share the uniqueness of her coaching approach (5:09). Patricia then shares a personal story about her sister’s wedding (6:00) and how that helped her start to reevaluate her values. The women talk about the role of writing to understand better what you did and why (8:00), how upholding your values contributes to success (9:20) and trusting in the flow of life (10:53). The conversation turns to passions – including Patricia’s love of horses (12:00) and the serenity of nature. She talks about her greatest achievements (14:37) and shares the German championship title she won – twice (14:59)! Patricia gives practical advice on celebrating accomplishments (15:52) and the women discuss the importance of having a roadmap to success (18:18). Patricia shares the common German idea of “the way is the goal,” and talks about how to stay motivated (19:40). Gaps in leadership are discussed (20:45) including ones Patricia has faced – the experience gap (20:45) and gender gap (23:40). Next, the women discuss resiliency (25:00). Susan encourages Patricia to explain the role support systems have in her success (27:30) and how she found balance (30:00). Patricia shares tips on how to prioritize by focusing on high impact versus just being busy (31:05) and the role of commitment buddies (32:24).

IG: @der.chillpreneur


Additional Links:

All episodes of the Women in Leadership podcast are available at the WIL Show Page

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